Days are Long 'Round These Parts.
Whoa, I am exhausted.
Not only because it's been a busy weekend, but wow--did you see that last post? I impulsively decided to make it a "Reader Appreciation" weekend, and responded to every comment I received. No wonder Pioneer Woman™ and Dooce™ don't do that--I had 31 comments, and it was all I could do to keep up with them. Think of what it must be like to have 12,000 comments daily! Mind-blowing. [I'd be in hog heaven, yes...but it's mind-blowing.]
Still, I hope I got the message across--I'll say it one more time just to be sure: If you're reading this blog, you're helping me fulfill my purpose in life. Thanks.
If you commented on that last post, be sure and check back in the comment section to see what I said back to you. It might be the last time I ever do it, so you won't want to miss it.
Now, enough housekeeping. As I am typing this, it's 4:06 in the morning. Why am I awake? I have an entire pageful of reasons. I'll tell you about them later. Like tomorrow. For now, what I am going to do is sleep.
But do not despair--I've got my alarm set for 7:45 a.m. When it rings, I will promptly turn it off, sit up in bed, open my laptop, and type--in this post box--the first thing that comes to mind [most likely it will be what I was just dreaming]. It seems like a good way to start off my Monday.
Let's just hope I wake up witty...
5:13 a.m.
Nephew whimpering in the next room over. Debated whether my sister would rather I pick him up and play with him, or let her get him and try to feed him back to sleep. Pondered the fact that babies often fall asleep while nursing. Thought it would be odd if I ever fell asleep in the middle of the drive through at Taco Bell™. Spent so much time thinking about this that sister got up and fetched the child herself.
We all promptly fell back asleep.
6:59 a.m.
Woke up to the gritty sound of the garbage truck. Felt like I was a kid again, since my hometown has had the same garbage trucks...well...since I was a kid. Heard the garbage truck set off the same car alarm twice. Wondered why that had never happened when I was a kid. Concluded that car alarms never came standard when I was a kid. Life was so simple when I was a kid. Fell asleep.
7:45 a.m.
Hit snooze on my cell phone's alarm clock.
8:16 a.m.
Received text from Gus, my partner-in-crime in all things regarding this wedding I'm here for, informing me of a last-minute change of plans. Realised she was probably more tired than I, and not making any sense. Called to clarify. Decided I might as well stay up. Peed. Remembered I was supposed to write this post. Couldn't recall what I'd dreamed about, except that it involved Taco Bell™ and the garbage man. Calculated my total sleep for the evening to be aproximately three hours.
It's going to be a long day.
Labels: thisandthat
you never cease to fail in making me laugh.
ok, so i'm sorry i'm the annoying girl that just walked in on the tail end of the conversation and wants a recap on everything. i guess i wasn't out of the loop after all. i saw that girls comment. i read all of the other comments(well, almost all) and i was already up to speed. i just didn't know if she specified which post it was that offended her. so thank you for clearing that part up. that's really funny if it was the birth control post because i believe that was the first post i ever read of yours. maybe second. i guess i would have to go back and check my comment. anywho, i thought it was hilarious. especially because i totally was using nuvaring at the time. i was a huge fan. not anymore tho. wow, you really are appreciative for your comments for filling me in on all the dish.
oh, and i never told you that i was bummed that we didn't get to meet at blissfest too. ah well. maybe if you're in town long enough we can try to set up lunch with jami and whit or something...
Wait. What? Where are you? I cant believe you are not at home with your husband on your anniversary! Are you in AZ?
Your posts keep making me laugh.
I'm sorry for the crying child. He didn't wake up until 7:30, though. That's alright; you were obviously tired. But I am sorry for your restless night. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
Happy anniversary!!!! Yay! Look at the happy couple! You guys make me smile.
You called me a blog stalker! You know me though. So at least I am not a stranger blog stalker.
-Emily NEIL Merkley :-)
you guys are so cute. is kyle as funny as you are? maybe you can answer that one thursday
Happy Anniversary! Oh and are you ready for your life to change? Because I am also cable challenged (read:poor), you must discover It's real TV online. Start by watching Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. That's not real TV, but awesome in all ways Doogie Howser. Hulu will change your life. (All of your heroes episodes including current season)
My :) looked cuter in the "Leave your comment" section font.
I'm disappointed we didn't meet.. maybe someday, right? Until then, I will continue to laugh at your posts and fulfill your purpose in life by reading your blog.
So are you in town? how long will you be here?
Sorry you had to miss you anniversary on my behalf... But I'm SO GLAD that you're here. And this is the only time I'll get married and make you miss your time with PK :o)
Happy anniversary, guys!
Molly--I am in town, for Lindsey's wedding. I'm leaving shortly after we get her married off. Probably Monday or Tuesday of next week.
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