Growing a Face of Leather {Thick and Tough}.
**Update: Everybody's comments have been so sweet today, I decided to declare this "Official AoOL Reader Appreciation Weekend." Every comment I get, I will be responding to. I will read all the blogs of any new person who introduces his or her self, so if you left a comment (or are planning on it still), there is {or will be} a reply comment waiting for you. Boy, if that isn't a treat, I don't know what is. {Yes, I do. Something that starts with "Golden" and ends with "Spoon" comes to mind. I'd way rather have ice cream than a personal message from me, but it's the best I can do.}**
I have had this on my mind a lot lately; I would like to address a few topics here on this blog today.
Well, only one topic, really: me. That is, me in respect to Archives of Our Lives.
A lot of people say that blogging is their "journal;" their creative outlet; the place they go to vent and feel all of their feelings. I say, good for them. I read lots of those blogs, and faithfully so. I follow several blogs written by stay-at-home moms who mostly write so their friends and family can be updated on their lives. That's fine, too. In fact, I haven't met many blogs I don't like. There's something intriguing to me about peeking into the lives of others, whether they be career people, family people, homeless people, or all of the above.
Each blog has a purpose...and the purpose of my blog is to entertain.
I have never aspired to anything more. I don't expect to change the world, nor do I anticipate anything monumental ever happening here. I blog because I hope to brighten people's day--to give each and every one of you something to look forward to.
Here I am--just me and the ice cream truck driver. I like waffle cones and the colour pink, and I never mean to make people mad. I'm just me, plain and simple.
A well-known theme of blogging is that many of us "live for comments." I subscribe to that school of thought, one hundred percent. I read each and every comment made on my blog--most comments I read more than once. Every piece of advice I receive, I contemplate. Every time a new person de-lurks, I immediately swing by his or her blog to check it out [though it takes a few comments from a new person for me to feel a true bond, so if you feel like I don't give your blog enough attention, just say so {by commenting}]. And I notice when otherwise-regular commenters go missing.
In other words, I care what you think. I care very much, and it's not necessarily because I want you to like me (though that's always nice). Rather, I care because I write for you. Not for me. For you. If you are reading this post, whether you like me or not, you are fulfilling the purpose of my blog.
And because I care so much what my readers think, I put forth a great effort not to offend people.
But guess what? I am doing a lousy job of it. Despite the fact that I never--ever--publish a post without carefully considering ways my words might be misconstrued, I have learned that I am quite often unsuccessful. I have estranged people who are dear to me, along with people I've never met. Posts I have considered hilarious have driven many people to the point of boycotting my blog altogether. I've been called a b**ch. I've been cordially invited to eff off. I have been told I'm immature, inconsiderate, inappropriate, disappointing, disrespectful, ignorant, rude, thoughtless, careless, mean, selfish, cruel, bitter, vicious, a button-pusher, and starved for attention. {I've had to grow some pretty thick skin, but not so thick that I ignore people altogether. Only thick enough that these comments can't quite seep into my self-esteem.}
To solve this problem, I've been advised to close my blog to anonymous comments. I've been told to close all comments period. It's been suggested to make my blog private.
Many people think I should simply delete my blog and quit this aspect of my life completely.
But none of those ideas appeal to me: I don't really mind anonymous commenters; forbidding all comments completely would defeat the purpose of my blog, as would going private; and I don't relish the idea of quitting altogether.
Instead, I've decided the best solution for my dilemma is to write a disclaimer:
This blog is not homework--reading is not mandatory. It is never my intent to hurt people's feelings. Inasmuch as I cannot forsee what everybody is experiencing in their lives, I cannot predict which phrases to avoid, which words to gloss over, or which parts of my brain to keep to myself. If your feelings were hurt and you want to tell all means, tell me. If your feelings were hurt and you want to quit my blog, I will understand.
But if your feelings were hurt and you can find the time to step back, realise I didn't mean any offense, and you still sort of agree with or enjoy some of the things I write...then please know that you are welcome here.
I may not babysit your kids, but I will--with any luck--give you something new to laugh about nearly every day of the week {give or take some [or all]}.
Each blog has a purpose...and the purpose of my blog is to entertain.
I have never aspired to anything more. I don't expect to change the world, nor do I anticipate anything monumental ever happening here. I blog because I hope to brighten people's day--to give each and every one of you something to look forward to.
A well-known theme of blogging is that many of us "live for comments." I subscribe to that school of thought, one hundred percent. I read each and every comment made on my blog--most comments I read more than once. Every piece of advice I receive, I contemplate. Every time a new person de-lurks, I immediately swing by his or her blog to check it out [though it takes a few comments from a new person for me to feel a true bond, so if you feel like I don't give your blog enough attention, just say so {by commenting}]. And I notice when otherwise-regular commenters go missing.
In other words, I care what you think. I care very much, and it's not necessarily because I want you to like me (though that's always nice). Rather, I care because I write for you. Not for me. For you. If you are reading this post, whether you like me or not, you are fulfilling the purpose of my blog.
And because I care so much what my readers think, I put forth a great effort not to offend people.
To solve this problem, I've been advised to close my blog to anonymous comments. I've been told to close all comments period. It's been suggested to make my blog private.
Many people think I should simply delete my blog and quit this aspect of my life completely.
But none of those ideas appeal to me: I don't really mind anonymous commenters; forbidding all comments completely would defeat the purpose of my blog, as would going private; and I don't relish the idea of quitting altogether.
Instead, I've decided the best solution for my dilemma is to write a disclaimer:
This blog is not homework--reading is not mandatory. It is never my intent to hurt people's feelings. Inasmuch as I cannot forsee what everybody is experiencing in their lives, I cannot predict which phrases to avoid, which words to gloss over, or which parts of my brain to keep to myself. If your feelings were hurt and you want to tell all means, tell me. If your feelings were hurt and you want to quit my blog, I will understand.
But if your feelings were hurt and you can find the time to step back, realise I didn't mean any offense, and you still sort of agree with or enjoy some of the things I write...then please know that you are welcome here.
I may not babysit your kids, but I will--with any luck--give you something new to laugh about nearly every day of the week {give or take some [or all]}.
Labels: blogger finger, introspection, theories, what I'm about
I can't believe I am the very first to comment. This is a first I believe since you always have so many comments. I would just like to say, very nicely put. I throughly enjoy reading your blog, the laughs, the entertainment, opinions, all of it. You are a fantastic writer. Don't stop.
You know I love ya. I have commented before on how I think some of your commenters are a little over-the-top mean. I have never thought any of your posts were mean-spirited, so I really can't figure out where they are coming from. I get your sense of humor, and that is why I come back to read every post.
Also, I'm the same way with my commenters. I know when one is missing and I'm always wondering if I said something that drove them away! But, I guess we all can't appeal to everyone. I would rather people stay away altogether than be a troll in my comment section.
Have I mentioned I love your blog?Amazing Race!
I was publicly accused of being a (potentially) murderous fake . Yet, I still consider Camille a friend of mine, and I come here to be entertained by her early everyday. Some days I'm just too busy to read and some days she is too busy to write (or simply admiring the previous days' post for a little too long!), but I always look forward to our "communications" (whatever forms they make take).
Camille, I'm REALLY glad that you keep on blogging. I can't believe you have been called so many awful things, either! People are so randomly offended that you can't possibly pander to all of them. And I like that you allow anonymous comments; I think people are more likely to be honest with you then. Though they are probably also more likely to just be a jerk because you won't know who they are. Oh, well.
At any rate, I'll keep hanging around until you are getting thousands of comments a post and are so popular that you won't remember me anyway. Well, I'll still probably hang around then, too.
(I think I was most offended by the old hag that was offended by back-touching in church. Whatever, people!)
Carmen--Thank you so much! I was worried you guys thought I hated your children, or that I was mean because I told the world I don't like babysitting. Thank you for reading my blog despite all that!
HeatherPride--Amazing Race! I keep checking back to see if you picked me. We would win, HeatherPride. We really really would. Thank you for finding my blog and commenting enough times to instigate my visits to your blog enough times to make us e-friends. Thank you for reading my blog.
Joel--Not accused, Joel... Questioned. And I was wrong; you didn't kill me, and here we are now, a prime example of a blogging-friend success story [you too, Aimee!]. Did I ever tell you I got the money that you sent me? I don't remember. That was nice of you, but totally unnecessary. Again, as with Heather, thank you for commenting enough times to make us friends. And Thank you for reading my blog.
I cannot believe some of the things people say. I am sorry. I will comment more too. I am always nervous because I feel kind of like a stalker.
I'm still reading. My comments have become few and far between, because i annoy your other readers.
I removed the comments under my blogger name because i didn't want anymore nasty notes in my email.
If the H, in "Uncle H" stands for "H*m#", i'm hurt. Not by you, but your Cgy friends. I'm very unfond of being talked about, this is, in part, why i'm trying to disengage from your blog. I should have never gotten involved in the first place. It is funny though, so i might continue as a silent reader.
P.S. Ha-Ha, your Mom called you "left wing".
How do i pronounce "Melvina"?
(this P.S. is meant as funny).
loved this was beautifully written. I couldn't agree more!
i can't stand when people get so easily offended- it just makes me so mad! i love your blog and would be sad if it was gone. don't quit because of all those cranky curmudgeons out there:)
I kind of already commented on this topic in your last post, but I think you are spot on. I have continued to keep my blog open and public and allowing anonymous comments for the same reasons. Of course, your blog is a lot more popular than mine, but I really enjoy reading it, and have probably been reading it for about 2 years now.
I never really told you this, but I so admired your moving abroad to be a nanny. When I read about your being there, I just envied you (in a loving, not bitter way). I did get married fast without seeing the world first, and do sometimes wonder what that would have been like, but really still have no regrets.
But yes, I love your blog. I love your personality. I love all your interests you discuss on your blog. Really, finding your blog, made me wish I had known you better growing up, when we were in the exact same stake and schools. You also make me want to move to Canada, ha.
so yes, keep blogging, of course because you want to, not because i said so, ha.
Well, I am entertained. And thanks for all the comment love back.
I will always read your blog, no matter what. You have never offended me. In my comment yesterday I suggested that you stop writing it not because you have ever offended me, but because I can't hardly stand reading negative comments about my sister. Moreover, it's very difficult for me to think of people talking poorly about you behind your back in any way, shape, or form. I know you're an adult, but I still feel protective of you, and I hate that people think and say negative things about you because of your blog. But, I will always support you in what you do, even if I don't necessarily agree with it.
oh! good times in NY...that was a fun night...we saw RENT and it was amazing. i think i even took that picture of you with the ice cream man...
but seriously,
down with the blog haters. Just keep doin' what you're doin' camille.
I already said what I had to say in my last post. People that don't like what you write should STOP!, take a deep breath, and quit reading. That is what I do to literature I can't take. I never did finish the third volume of FIshers Of Men because I knew what was going to happen to Jesus and I just couldn't stand the cruelty.
I think your venue is too small. You need to be published in the open market. I INVITE, ENCOURAGE, and HOPE that you will start a column for a published venue.
I just wonder----do your readers think you are good enough to go public? Am I biased because I carried you in my womb for 9 months, or are you a great journalist?
READERS----What do you think? Does Camille have the talent, artistic style, and poetic ability to PUBLISH????
If you think so, might you encourage her to send some of her "Stuff" to be published?
Preston's Granmama
Camille's Mother
Your blog is amazing! Like I told you the other night, I wake up every morning and one of the first things I do is get on my computer and read your blog. It definitely makes me laugh. Keep it up!!
This is my first time here & what a great introductory post! I love how clearly you laid it out there. I'll be back again! :o)
I like to take a peek every now and then too. I like to see how "poor Kyle" is getting along. J/K, You're funny and entertaining and you keep it real.
I enjoy checking your blog everyday! It is well written and entertaining! I don't comment often, but always check.
I wish that I could write like you do but alas my blog is simply used to update Grandparents....and they would flip if I wrote some of what I really wanted to :-) I admire thoes who can write more than just a daily update!
Well said Camille.
Just for the record, I consider this blog good entertainment. And have never been offended. I love your wit and sense of humor. I check your blog almost daily and I get a good a chuckle now and then.
What is up with you and Heather Pride? Amazing Race? Should I get a TV so I can watch you race all over the world and win a bazillion dollars?
PS - Check my blog, you have a sweet polyester skirt coming your way!
I know I'm just saying exactly what everyone else said, but I love your blog too! I am truly entertained by your writing and love your honest opinions and thoughts.
Your blog is one of my favorites to read, and here's my proof of that: I have 4 folders of blogs in my bookmarks (Blogs 1,2,3,4), and I do the "Open all in tabs" command down the list, so I can check all my blogs. Yours is one of the very last in "Blogs 4" because I know that, more than likely, you'll have something new and entertaining for me to read, and I want to "save the best for last." (I hope that all made sense.) Anyway, please do keep writing, and I agree with your mom that you should be have your own newspaper column or something someday! :)
Merkley Jiating--I like blog stalkers almost as much as I like blog commenters. Thanks for coming out to visit!
Anonymous--I have noticed you've gone missing. Thanks for your comment here today. Whatever you feel that "H" stands know that I have a great Uncle Henry who occasionally has been known to swing by my blog. Hope that puts your mind at ease.
Jami--Thanks! I feel so validated when I hear that people agree with me. You always make me feel like a rock star when I am back in town. Thanks for reading so diligently!
Anonymous--what the heck is a curmudgeon? Either way, thanks for your support.
Molly Shumway Rawlins--That's so sweet of you! Moving to Belgium was one of the smartest choices I ever made, even though I was met with a lot of skepticism. Thank you for loving so much about me! It's really quite flattering! : )
Geneva--So glad you're entertained. You're welcome for all the comment love back. It's like I say...once people's blogs make it to my sidebar, they basically get checked by me every day.
Anonymous my sister--You have been the most die-hard supporter (and defender, when necessary) I could ever want. I know you only want people not to make me feel bad. I also know you will read my blog no matter what. Thank you for being "there" [ever wonder where, exactly, "there" is supposed to indicate?] for me. You are my very most favourite sister.
Anonymous-- : ) right back atcha!
lindser-lou--you are an incredibly thorough photographer (i.e. New York, and my bridal shower, and most everything else in the world). I appreciate all the great pics i have on account of your thoroughness. Thanks for your support (not only in my blog, but in life in general. we sure do have similar lives lately, eh?).
Anonymous my mother--Thank you for supporting my newfound passion, and for instigating a poll here on the blog. I would like nothing more than to receive payment (true money, not just emotional rewards) for writing this blog, or any sort of ANYTHING. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Tessa-- Who knew I would ever bring meaning to someone's life????? I'm shocked, and thrilled. It makes me want to try harder never to miss a day of posting, if only for you to have something to read every morning. Thanks, bess!
Emily-- Welcome! I visited (both) your blogs today, and learned you like butterflies, cats, cards, and Florida. I saw a butterfly today, and I thought of your lovely photos. They're a rare sight in Arizona (at least in Mesa), so I was thrilled at my luck. Hope you swing by often!
Cheerleader-- Every time I see one of your comments, I think of Heroes. "Save the cheerleader, save the world." Man, I like that show. I don't know much about you, but I'm certainly glad you come check up on me every so often. Thanks!
The Roach's-- Yes!!!! Even if you don't comment frequently, I am thrilled you check in daily. I love the pumpkin patch pictures. I love pumpkins, period. I love the fall. Thanks for reading!
RPH-- Oh, I'm glad you find my blog entertaining. I remember one comment you left on a slightly controversial post. It said "well I am going to keep my opinions to myself on this one," or something along those lines. I worried all day you were offended by whatever it was I'd written. I'm so glad to know you weren't. Thanks for being so faithful. AND FOR THE SKIRT!!! WAHOO!!! Oh. HeatherPride wants to go on Amazing Race as a blogging team--two people who've never even met. She was taking volunteers for her partner, and I pretty much fought off the hoardes of people to make her want to choose me. She never said if she did--I guess she was only kidding. But I would do it. I would do it, and we would win.
Alicia-- I think it's high time I add you to my sidebar. Like I takes several comments for new friends to embed themselves in my brain, but I've checked your blog many times over the past few months, based on the comments you've left here. I'm sorry I had to take off my playlist, along with "Sweet Escape." If you want to hear it free for your little girl to dance to, you can find it at It's a fabulous website. Thanks for sticking with me! I'm flattered you save me for last--I feel like I'm dessert or something. What a compliment!
You like Heroes, too!! I thought that the first season was the best, by far. I don't know what the heck is going on right now. They are getting so convoluted and (it seems to me) away from what made the show unmissable when it started. Doesn't seem like the things that are supposed to be cliffhangers or suspenseful quite are anymore. And nice how the cheerleader is now a gun-toting bad-A... Kinda weird.
I absolutely LOVE your blog!! some times, well, ALOT of times I read it at work, and laugh! You have a talent at writing, Keep it up! I will start to comment more often Ü.
Camille-Cool, answering everybody's comment in this post. Don't worry about offending people, many of us, me especially, need to learn to NOT be offended. And it is your blog. And, yes, i think it's fun to read, and comment. This was a thoughtful, contemplative post, but i wondered why now? It seems you haven't really got much "curmudgeoning" in the last few months. If anything from me, anonymously, seemed so, i'm sorry. As you might have noticed, i can be a bit obtuse. I've been off your case for many many months, if my anon 'friend' says something that might sound nasty, just shrug it off and say, "crazy old Jeff, must have forgotten his 'pills', today".
Camille's Mom- My vote is YES,and again, YES. She's an excellent writer, and could easily get paid for it. Maybe someday she will write for a living. She certainly has a fervor for it. I learned the hard way that old lesson, "work at what you love, you'll always be happy". (I love what i work at now, almost all the time...but i don't get paid enough, haha).
Camille's sister- I love when you comment, always so supportive. And, you have a way with the succinct, and perfectly clear.
And oh, Camille, that reminds me, my dear father loved that joke too, appreciating the only selection available. "Mother,(my mom), this is the best supper i've had today!", was his most often used. Kind of a dinner ritual. Along with a strange sort of sigh he made when upset, which we would often repeat back, to exxageration. Didn't usually seem to bother him, i guess he thought he was some sort of comedian. Some of it's come down the blood line...please enjoy.
Joel--crap. I only saw season one and two. Since our cable got cut off, I have not even seen a single episode of this season. Oh well, you didn't give away much, except that claire bennett turns rough and tough.
Chris and Andrea--Thank you for loving my blog! I like hearing that people sometimes read it at work. I hope you don't get in trouble. But if you do, just tell your boss my blog is amazing, and he should read it too! : )
Jeff--I always like it when other bloggers answer my comments on their blogs, so I'm trying to do more of it. Maybe not so thoroughly as here today, but I will be doing it more often.
Some of my "curmudgeoning" has occurred via email--not necessarily in the comment section. Heck, some of it even happens through word-of-mouth, or straight to my face. Anyway, I try not to let it get to me. Any of your comments that "stir the pot" are always interesting, and usually get quite a rise out of people. I don't mind so much. Thanks for reading!!
I've never met you, or left a comment before, but I love your blog. I found it about 3 months ago and I check it all of the time because I do find it entertaining. I'm not brave enough to leave a comment with my blog attached, but maybe someday. A lot of times I wish that I could just write about whatever came to my mind (without caring what people thought- like why does this lady at church still give her 21 month old a bottle?), but I think I would be so hurt by the comments and I would alienate lots of people. I am glad that you can take it, because I would miss your blog if you let the rude people get to you. Keep it up! Everyone is entilted to their own opinions and I enjoy reading yours. Thanks.
You can watch complete episodes online. But it looks like for only a limited time after they air on TV. Go here. Hurry, though; there is an episode that is only available until the 21st. I'm pretty sure that the one that is expiring was the premiere...
I never like commenting when there are tons of other posts because it feels like no one will bother to read if there are finity googolplex other comments, but in light of it being appreciation week I decided to throw one down.
When I read your title I thought this post was another about me, since I have a beard. You know like a face of leather because a hairy face is like leather or something?
I think it is great that you live for comments. Thats kinda like me and photography. I love to hear that people like my work. I think many people are like that but wouldn't admit to it. (In several hours I am going to do some more bridal shots for Lindsey. I hope I get some nice stuff to show at the reception.)
Also, I think you could get paid as a writer. You should write a column for the paper. Submit some of your work to the paper. You haven't anything to loose!
My vote on your Moms poll is yes, send something in, bRAD is right, you've got nothing to loose.
I've meant to say before, your pictures are superb. I'm jealous of your two fancy cameras. I especially like the one you chose for the top of your blog...for some reason, when i first saw it, the scene and the lettering, i thought, Tim Burton. Maybe you could be a multimedia artist, your blog certainly is.
(Sorry, can't help saying, i miss the music. Thanks for the link.)
I may not know you personally, but I do know "poor Kyle", I grew up next door to him in Raytown. I love reading your blog, it is hilarious. The perspective of a wife, not yet a mother is refreshing. As if people say nasty things about your opinions, that is what they are YOUR OPINIONS, your are entitled to them. Keep on bloggin!!
Oh dear I hope it is not too late to be apart of this. I would've commented much earlier but as it was I was at my happy place AKA Camp Lomia this weekend for Youth Conference. Which means no computer *tear tear* So now I will say, Camille, your blog makes my day, everyday. It is the second website I look at everyday without fail. I am not exaggerating or brown-nosing. I am stating a fact. I check my email, then I check AOoL. If there is a new post, my heart rejoices, if there is not, my heart sighs with sadness. In other words. If you were ever to stop blogging I would have to change my computer routine and I DO NOT LIKE CHANGE. So please, do not go there. Thank you for the last 14 months of entertainment and inspiration.
This is so fun! It seems like there have been alot of offending posts lately. Not by you but just reading Jami's blog and yours and I'm sure many others... people are worried of offending as am I, that's why I don't have a very fun blog. Oh well. Hmmm... it's interesting to know that your blog is to entertain other people. I wonder if you will keep it up when you become a mom. You will. Will it become more centered around children? I guess if your mom's wishes come true (and your own) you will start getting paid for this and then for sure you would keep it up I think. You do have a gift for writing. As I was reading your mom's comment I think maybe you got that gift from her. I don't know your parents very well. Thanks for the comments I get on my blog. EVERYONE LOVES COMMENTS!! This is quite a treat.
did i miss something???
wow, will you ever have to post another blog again?!?! reading these comment threads is so entertaining, and I appreciate your comment threads back, now I like you even more! ha. :)
Anonymous who's never met me-- That's okay. You don't have to let me read your blog. I appreciate that you read mine. You're welcome for as long as you like.
Joel-- Thanks for the tip! I love watching shows on (but it doesn't work in Canada, so I have to get my fill while I'm here) and I don't know why I never thought to watch heroes online. Thanks!
Brad-- "You're so vain; you probably think this [post] is about you." That's what I thought when I read your comment. I saw the new bridal photos you took of B--very artistic. One of my favourites was the one with the urns in the foreground. Good job. Also--the only thing I have to lose in submitting my work to a newspaper is my PRIDE. Of which I have a lot. People kind of have to have degrees in journalism to be a journalist. I think. Nevertheless, thanks for being one of my most gung-ho supporters. A few years ago, if someone had told me you and I would be sort of friends at this point, I would have spit my DDP out laughing.
Other Anonymous-- Thanks for the vote of approval. It's like I said to Brad, though, and my mom: I'm not majoring in journalism. I think I'd have to have some sort of experience to be considered at any respectable newspaper. My pictures? I'm LESS than an amateur, but I do enjoy it. Thanks! And I was sad to get rid of the music, because I consider my taste in songs impeccable. However, it made too many people shy away from my blog. I'm thinking about starting a "pick of the week," though.
DeAnna-- I love hearing from people who hail from "Mayberry." Thanks for reading, and for your kind words. I sometimes need a little bit of encouragement to keep up my "thick skin" mentality. It can be exhausting.
ratalienose-- Oh, how I look forward to your frequent comments. I heard there was a thing at LoMia this weekend, and I was sad I wasn't invited (though at some point I guess I have to accept the fact that I really am not in this stake anymore). I'm glad you had fun. Also, I LOVE that you love my blog. I, too, hate change, and I will do my best to keep this blog up to your standards. Thanks for making me feel so good about myself!
Jonathan and Sarah-- The "fun" really is in the controversial stuff, which makes me kind of sad. I mean, I love getting a good conversation going in the comment section of my blog, but at the same time, I don't like when the conversation turns vicious. Still, I don't see myself stopping any time soon.
I think you're right about getting my "gift" from her (I just consider it a hobby, not so much a gift). She has always taught me to stand my ground, and we really are a verbal family. The both of those things combined makes for a good read, I suppose. : ) Probably once I have kids, my blog will become a little more family-friendly. But I'm sure I'll still be sarcastic a lot. Hopefully still kind of funny!
Niki (Crum) Worthing-- Depending on when you checked last, you may or may not have missed anything. I am only trying to give back to all my readers who comment frequently. It's reader appreciation week, you know. At least on Archives of Our Lives. That said, thank you for reading my blog! I appreciate you, and was so sad I didn't meet you at Blissfest. Bummer.
molly shumway rawlins-- It seems like this post will never end, huh? It takes a lot more time than I ever realised, to respond to each comment I receive. I enjoy it, but I can see why a lot of bigger bloggers don't do it--I'm exhausted! I love being liked, and the more you like me, the happier I am. What a good weekend this has been! Thanks again.
i think it's great that you are having reader appreciation week. i definitely feel appreciated :) i guess i'm referring to the whole offended thing. did one post strike that up? if so, could you link us back to it?
...been cordially invited to eff off.
how polite.
the only time you offend me, camille, is when you choose to use an "s" where a "z" so obviously should be. it hurts my eyes. and i have to remind myself that you're doing it on purpose and that you're not really retarded.
(not that there's anything wrong with being retarded. i'm just saying...)
S, not all the people who write for the paper are journalists. There are the movie review people, the send me your love questions and I'll cut you down with my reply people people, the home and garden section people just to name a few. I'd think you'd be able to write for a paper without a degree in journalism.
Question: Why, oh why, are you going into the field of museum whatever when you are so obviously talented in writing. It makes absolutely no sense at all to me. I am baffled, seriously baffled. I mean how can you even get a job in museum whatever where you live? You can write anywhere.
Your repartee with bRAD is a treat.
I wish you the freedom to do what you want, at any particular time.
You already work in the Mayberry museum, n'est-ce pas? When you get to the Louvre, can i inhabit the guest room for a night or two?
The best thing about the internet is the people. The worst thing about the internet (besides dial-up) is the people.
I have a whole blog devoted to how much I suck. You will never, ever, EVER make everyone happy.
I like the direction my blog has taken but I miss the days of being able to visit everyone, talk to everyone and know every person who says hello. That DOESN'T mean that my comments don't mean the world. Every blogger I know reads every one of them.
Keep up the good work, oh tall and gorgeous one.
I should clarify, that the blog is not mine, but written about me (and some others). Don't try to find it. I'd rather put 4 million forks in my eye than give that muck one bit of traffic.
I know. If I have to get told to eff off, at least they said it nicely. I saw your sister at a bridal shower the other day and told her I have come close to meeting you once, but I was too scared to search you out because you might beat me up for being a stalker. And she said you totally would--you beat up other girls all the time. So now I'll never meet you, but I might always wish I had.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I sincerely apologise. Ha. Thanks for reading my blog.
bRAD-- I really do appreciate you reading my blog. Let's carry this conversation on next time we are in the same physical vicinity. It seems like we could get a lot more said that way. (P.S. are you up for a hellubaloo of wedding reception decorating wednesday night? Me and chels will be there, along with your twin and a bunch of mia maids. I'm hoping there will also be pizza. [The good kind, not the cardboard sh*t.])
Anonymous--You're very kind. I cannot stress enough that I don't consider myself "talented in writing." It's just something I like to do. Maybe I will take this question up in one of my Thursday posts. Thanks for reading!
Anonymous Other-- I have been known to spend some time at the Mayberry museum, yes. I've already been to the Louvre, and it changed my life. Literally. And are you asking to spend the night at my house if I ever go to Paris again? I might have to meet you, whoever you are, before I agree to that. Though I'm sure you're very nice. : ) Thanks for the comment!
Loralee Choate-- That's a good way to look at my situation. I am sure you have lots of experience with this, inasmuch as you always say you only blog about a TINY percent of what goes on in your life. You're someone who's learned to be very cautious. Thanks for all your wisdom! And for reading my little blog, even if I did have to beg you to come over the very first time. : )
Well Camille I just assumed you knew who "cheerleader" was. Sorry it's the code-name I came up with for a blog my friends from H.S have so we can talk together everyday privately now that were all married and live all over the world. BTW one of my bf's lives in England--I'll tell her to check your blog so you get an international shout-out! Now to tell you who I am really. I was once in your ward for 5 short months and served in YW's when you were a laurel, but I was with the miamaids. You were very outgoing even then. I was impressed with you! You taught my daughter piano lessons but stopped when you went abroad to become a nanny and keep "poor Kyle" strung along. (that was a joke-I never know if anyone gets my jokes when they're typed out and they're not with me to hear my sarcastic delivery.) Last clue, I was at girls camp with you last year when you had to change from "BS" To "CL" it was the end of an era, but that change was good because you girls (BS) were getting MARRIED. I was a cabin mom with Vonda! I think that should be enuff clues already. I have wanted to comment on your blog before but I have no real connection to you exactly and didn't want to appear blog-stalker-ish so I just read and move on, but since hearing you love a good stalker I'll continue to comment as needed. :)
I for one love your blog Camille.. even if we don't "really" know each other... haha. ok.. we met once. Still... that was long ago, and I found you on Holly's blog, and I adore yours!
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