The Good, the Bad, and the Nervous Breakdowns
My day started out well enough, with me taking the opportunity to enter my very first Blogger Giveaway. A person I e-stalk, Loralee, is holding a contest to name a stuffed chicken, and I entered a fabulous name [Stalwart P.]. The person who enters the best name will get a $15 gift certificate to, and I was sure to win with such a rad name. Things were off to a winning start.
Then I went to work at my bad job which is always a test of my sanity. Bad. Then I got $50 in tips in under four hours. Good. Then I spent lots of money on scrapbooking supplies for my wedding album/guest book. Bad. Then I came home exhausted and tried calling every friend I had to come love me. They were all busy. Bad again. Then my mom and I had a joint nervous breakdown together over our broken dishwasher, worthless microwave, dead dog, summer heat, and the month of August as a whole. Uber bad. Then I decided that even though nobody had time for me, I would still go register for our wedding at Target. Good in theory. Then I got to Target and realised that, without a fiancee by one's side--or a big sister, or a maid of honour, or a best friend, or anyone--registering for one's wedding gifts is...lonely. I was lonely at my favourite place in the country. Bad. Then things took a turn for the better when I went to visit a dear friend from high school. Good. Then she told me how when I get married, I will endure the pain of sex, pregnancy, weight gain, labor, post-partum, child-rearing, empty-nest syndrome, and menopause, and then...I will die. Very bad indeed. {Enter nervous breakdown #2. } Top it all off with a day full of self-conscious nigglings about being uglier and fatter than one's fiancee's ex-girlfriends, and it makes for a generally bad day overall. I broke out in hives. So there you have it. The Good, the Bad, and the Nervous Breakdowns.
To all who care and have commented on the engagement photos, thank you!! It means a lot to me, really. I am interested in what people think, and I appreciate the feedback. Results of the photo poll will follow soon...