This used to happen to me in high school. Between band, orchestra, volleyball, track, student counsel, family stuff, church stuff, the occasional formal dance, and regular school work, there could often be
weeks between journal entries. It would get to the point where I was so far behind that it would have taken me hours to get caught up--hours which, of course, I could never spare. And so the cycle would continue. Invariably, the guilt would become so overwhelming that I would sit down, open my neglected diary, and write an inadequate overview like, "I can't believe it's been so long since I wrote last. I turned 16 in September, went on my first date to Golf Land [I know. Bad.], passed all my midterms, and got a new flute for Christmas. Now it's summer vacation."
I hate the fact that someday when I'm old and feeble, I won't be able to remember the more intricate details of my glory days.
So here I sit in front of my MacBook in Dillon, Montana, humbly compelled to get down to business. The way I figure it, I ought to post on the following major events of the wedding: Bridal shower (actually, I was lucky enough to get two, but I only have photos of the second one), pre-married open house in Canada, formal wedding photos, actual wedding day, wedding reception, honeymoon, and immigration over the
49th parallel.
And so it begins. Bridal shower. My wonderful sister worked tirelessly to throw me an amazing shower. We sent out about a hundred invitations (this was for ward and high school friends--we had a second one for family) and had an awesome turnout of over 80.
A recap, in photos:

I went to Adell's house the night before the shower, and we put together this fairytale centerpiece. Got loads of compliments, and it's still gracing her kitchen table with Autumn goodness...

My hair looked incredible thanks to a fresh cut and colour by
Lindsey, the one and only hairstylist I've loved--and who "gets" me--on the same level as

Here's my sweet Grandma trying to make sense of the orange crocheted bikini I a joke, of course. {Everybody knows I
totally only sport fuchsia swimwear!}

Of all the lovely domestic goodies I received (and I received many; people were
so generous), this apron was the most beautiful. But then, I've always appreciated what aprons do for my figure--they're so...cinch-able!

This three-piece stackable cooling rack made me very happy, wouldn't you agree?

My mom's been great through it all, considering her youngest daughter is moving out of the country. She thought it was funny, though, that I didn't know how to use half the gifts I received at the shower--even the ones I registered for! {She must be so proud...}

And I mustn't forget to post a photo of me with my big sister, who made it all possible. She started working on the adorable invitations back in the summertime, and had been planning out the menu for months. And this she had to deal with, on top of working full-time, taking classes for her masters (master's? masters'? Help me out, Sis!) degree, and having a real-life child growing inside her...she's wonderful. (She also gave me the most adorable rocking chair I've ever beheld, which deserves--and will get--a post all its own.)

This is a photo of my very first apothecary jar. I have always been inclined to like these, and I about had a heart attack when my friend Lee included it as part of a much-too-kind gift. (She has since given me two more, and I was no less excited about the others than I was with the first.) The dark chocolate M&Ms were included with my prize.
So there it is. My second bridal shower was a smashing success! Many thanks to all who helped, attended, and participated (I always stress out about parties in honour of me--I worry too much, I guess). And an extra-notable thank you to Lindsay White Sherman, who took over 200 photos of the event when she found out my camera was out of battery juice--I told her not to but she seemed to think I would regret it otherwise. She was right. Thanks a million, Momentito!
course I realise this is a ridiculously long post--why else would I have put it off so long? If you survived it, and masochistically want to subject yourself to more, stay tuned for the next installment of
Marital Bliss and Other Whimsies, as featured here on Archives of our Lives