Archives of Our Lives

{a narrow and broad look into the lives of people I love}

Friday, July 13, 2007

Right Next Door

My big sister, Adell, is another person I love dearly. She is not quite two years older than me, and we fought like lion cubs until we both got into Junior High; something about sharing clothes (and having double the wardrobe) brought us closer together, and we've been best friends ever since. When she got married in 2004 it affected me much more than I ever expected, but I am glad to say I have since overcome my fear of losing her to Clint. They moved only five houses away from me, and I have loved being able to share (secondhand, of course) the little excitements that come with having a sister get married. I am proud to say that nothing on Adell's wall gets nailed in or hung up without my express approval first! And being one of the first people to find out about her first pregnancy is my second claim to fame. Her little baby is going to be so lucky to have an aunt like me...


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